Marketing Strategy

It all starts with a plan. Before you can sell anything to anyone you must understand your product or service and how it relates to the rest of the universe. You have to know why it exists before you can convince anyone else they need it! We can help you create a positioning statement and a step by step plan to implement your marketing strategy.


You can have the best message in the world but if no one else hears it does it exist? We will take your marketing strategy and message and make sure it is seen in all the right places. From print and digital media planning to social media campaigns, we help you use good old fashion advertising in collaboration with new media platforms to make it rain!

Content Creation

White papers, podcasts, webinars, blogs, articles, presentations, videos, are all opportunities to position your company as the "go to" resource in your field, and to expand your brand exposure. These properties, along with brochures, social media posts, print ads, digital banners and any other collateral material needed are all in our birdhouse. In other words, if you can think it we can create it!

Event Planning

For charitable organizations, associations, or businesses, events can be a great way to bring in members and donors or build business relationships and boost employee relationships. Virtual and in-person meetings, pop-ups, speed networking, golf outings, road races and more are all part of developing business for your group. We can perform any or all of the tasks required to make your event a success.


Are you planning an event in need of sponsors? Better yet, are we planning an event for you that is in need of sponsors? Either way we can help you raise money for a charitable cause or monetize your team's events through expertly created sponsorship packages.

Making it Rain

Do you need an experienced team to evaluate your sales strategy and execution? Once all of the marketing pieces are in place you still need to be able to sell your stuff! Are you generating quality leads? Are you targeting the right audience? Is your message cutting through the clutter? We can dive into your process and help increase the ROI on your sales efforts.